Tuesday 31 de May del 2022
The International Fair of Santiago, organized by FISA, had its first edition in 1962, in the Cerrillos Park, Maipú, Santiago, replacing the Agricultural, Livestock and International Exhibition in charge of the National Society of Agriculture (SNA). Learn more about this fair, how to participate and more below: DOWNLOAD BROCHURE The objective of the fair was to establish commercial relations between producers, distributors and consumers through an offer where the main technological advances, capital goods, inputs and trends from “first world” countries were exhibited, serving as a platform for doing business, investments, imports and exports in Chile. Its last version was held in 1998, as a result of the gradual change in the country’s economic conditions and trends. FISA, as a trade fair organizer, celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2022 and wants to celebrate it by resuming the 38th edition of the Santiago International Trade Fair. Rescuing the spirit, the history, the experiences and the multisectorial meeting, bringing it to the present times with a focus on the mass public. In more than 60,000 sqm it will bring together through thematic pavilions the international presence of countries, national institutions, products manufactured in Chile, spaces for sustainability, recycling, children, family, outdoor activities and sports. Everything under a framework of celebration accompanied by gastronomy and typical dances, entertainment and a grill of shows for all ages. Do you want to know more or contact our team? info@feriafisa.cl Tel: +56 2 2530 7220, 2530 7293 WhatsApp Business: +56 9 3860 0932
The fair and congress of reference in Europe for the field of green hydrogen will present the latest news, opportunities and innovations developed at international level.
Wednesday 15 de June del 2022 Hyvolution 2023 ends with a high number of visitors: Meeting exceeded expectations and new version announced in 2024 Monday 3 de July del 2023 Expo Hospital 2023, the largest meeting and offer of the healthcare industry arrives in Santiago this Tuesday Thursday 7 de September del 2023 Expo Andes: International congress to analyze the development and new challenges of the mountain industry Tuesday 11 de October del 2022Enter your data and you will be informed about our news and novelties.