Fair News

Expo Andes: International congress to analyze the development and new challenges of the mountain industry

Tuesday 11 de October del 2022

The international fair and congress Expo Andes, to be held between October 12 and 14 in Metropolitan Santiago, will bring together professionals, companies and institutions of tourism and mountain safety in South America, to analyze the progress, conflicts and development of the industry. Between October 12 and 14 at Metropolitan Santiago, Vitacura, the international meeting, Expo Andes 2022, returns, bringing together professionals, tourism companies and institutions and actors who share the problems of South America’s mountains, seeking to analyze and discuss progress, conflicts and initiatives to promote the development of the industry. During the 3 days, the event will present an international congress with 5 panels in charge of important authorities from the public and private sector, who will share their experiences to enhance and enrich the work in the mountains and discuss about the current conditions worldwide. The event, which will be attended by mountain specialists and professionals, will be a space for discussion to analyze the challenges, concerns, and highlight innovations that are opportunities to boost the mountain industry. On Wednesday, October 12, the international congress will begin with the first panel called “Political Forum on Mountain Territory Management”, with the participation of authorities such as mayors of mountain municipalities, which will analyze issues related to the protection of people and the ecosystem, roads, border limits, tourism, maintenance of mountain infrastructure, among others, highlighting the main difficulties presented and the available solutions. The second panel, “Trends, Innovation and Technology for tourist destinations”, sponsored by Sernatur Los Lagos, which will continue on Thursday, October 13, will emphasize the importance of the development and advances that exist, highlighting the technology and innovations for advances in mountain equipment, such as GPS, trackers, metric systems to prevent avalanches and climate conflicts, among others. James Ackerson, President of the Association of Ski Resorts ACESKI will be moderating the panel. The third panel, “Panoramas and prospects for investment in the promotion of mountain destinations”, together with Corfo with the Transforma Turismo program, Invest Chile, SERNATUR and the Undersecretary of Tourism, will present the opportunities that the country presents in terms of investment for mountain tourism, offering alternatives at the national level. On Friday 14, Expo Andes will feature the fourth panel “Cable transport: a sustainable mobility solution”, a panel sponsored by Doppelmayr that will be addressed by the Ministry of Public Works, where they will present the details of the concession of the Bicentennial Cable Car, a project located in the Metropolitan Park of the city of Santiago that will pass through the districts of Providencia, Las Condes, Vitacura and Huechuraba to connect the financial districts of Sanhattan and Ciudad Empresarial. The experience of the project currently under construction will also be presented: AeroMetro of Guatemala City. Finally, the international congress will feature the fifth panel “Accesses to Ski Resorts”, where the Roads Department of the Ministry of Public Works will analyze plans and opportunities to improve roads, containment structures, tourist facilities, security and hotels, among others. Expo Andes, organized by Fisa of the GL events Group, promotes the transfer of knowledge, experiences and especially the technological innovation in products and services, gathering every two years the most important mountain exponents of South America. Currently, Chile has 20 winter centers and was recognized for the fourth consecutive time as “Best Adventure Tourism Destination in the World” at the World Travel Awards (WTA). On the part of foreign tourists, 30% come to Chile to enjoy the mountains.


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